Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In Australia, while in the pub, you don't often see people saying "cheers" to one another and clinking glasses. Maybe when you all first sit down, but certainly not every time a new person arrives, or when another drink arrives.

However, here in Paris, its "cheers" or die. Although you say "sante" instead which literally means health. I like the idea that you are saluting your health just before you are about to destroy it with yet another drink. Parisians say that if you don't say "sante" with every new drink / person and look EVERY person DIRECTLY IN THE EYE then you will have 10 years of bad sex. Lots of you will know I have serious problems with direct eye contact, but even I'm not prepared to risk 10 years of bad sex! So when we go out for a drink, to a restaurant the number of times you "sante" everyone really adds up..... It's kinda like the kissing thing here. Imagine 10 people drinking over say 5 hours..... that's a lot of sante!


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