Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Last night Mum, Dad, Dazza and some work friends went to see a free jazz jam session at one of Paris's famous jazz clubs, Le Baiser Sale (the Salty Kiss). I thought this would be a good thing to do as Dad loves jazz, and it was free! Bargain. Most of the nights at these places are upwards of 20 euros. I also thought it would give everyone a chance to chat and mingle.

How wrong was I. Firstly we got upstairs and a seating Nazi forced us all to squeeze along benches, behind little tables and generally get snugly. Then I was informed that even though the concert was free, it was obligatory to buy a drink. Ok no problem, we did that. But when the bill came, we also found out that there is a 7 euro extra special charge on every person's first drink, which meant the drink was 13.50 euros. Ouch! So much for a free concert!


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