Thursday, May 24, 2007


Yes I have entered the world of the Parisian Piscine (Swimming Pool). And what a bizarre world it is.... firstly most of the pools are only 25 metres, and if they are 50 metres they may only have about 4 lanes. They also have the strangest opening hours (for example, 7 - 8am three mornings a week, 1 late night and some afternoons). To actually go to the pool during opening hours is somewhat of a miracle. And boy, are they crowded! Suits me though, I get to have a little rest at the end of each lap. Die-hard, like Kelly (Little Miss Iron woman), hate it though. She will only come to the pool if it is to teach someone.

But the most bizarre thing are the change rooms. In the pool near my house, you can put your stuff in these containers which spring open when you key in a pin. They are alternatively green or yellow and look like something out of 1984 (the book!). Wouldn't want anyone to have something different would we? But today took the cake: the pool near work looks like a prison. Seriously. But instead of cells its has single change rooms. Its like the prison scenes where there is a floor surrounded by 3 or 4 floors of cells (or change rooms) which look onto the floor.

And don't get me started on the piscine nazis... of course (its Paris what did you expect?) there are lots of rules including 1) you MUST take off your shoes, you MUST wear a bathing cap 3) you MUST wear budgie smugglers etc. etc. etc.

Its a wonder anyone actually goes. Not that it seems to help them improve their swimming, I feel like an Olympian when I go there, the French have some seriously awful strokes!


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