Friday, December 15, 2006

A DAY OF FIRST's......

Well I have to say yesterday was a great day, full of first time adventures for me in the French capital. Firstly, I got into the Musee D'Orsay free! Yes chatting to the security guards in crappy french really helps.... however I think I got the wrong idea and later realised that the guy had asked me out (I thought he was just being friendly) so I had to text him today and try and explain (in French) that I had a boyfriend etc. and I think I gave him the wrong idea. Oops. Will see if he rings (again!).

Then last night I went out with my first French friend, Guillaume (say Guy-ehm) whom Dazza and I met last Saturday night in some bar. I told him that nite that vous etre mon premiere ami de francaise which means in no uncertain terms that "you are my first french friend" which I have to say didn't give him much of an option. Although he did look pretty pleased about it, and texted me the next day, so I took this as a good sign. So after a couple of drinks he suggests that we go visit a friend of his. So I'm thinking we will walk, take the metro - but no! He has a motorbike! The only way to travel in Paris I'm told. So I get to wear this cool orange and white helmet with orange hibiscus flowers on it and after a little lesson off we go. This was my first time on a motorbike and I have to say it was so much fun!

Then we arrive at his friend's apartment which, for Parisian standards is practically a mansion. This was also my first real French home that I had gone to. So we hung out there for a while, then went to another bar and then home. The funniest thing at Guillaume's friends house was that we talked (me in very bad french and them in pretty bad english mixed with excellent french) about the new James Bond movie, Casino Royale, which Dazza and I just saw. Stupidly I tried to explain that I thought the new James Bond was a "prawn" (rip the head off, keep the body), but they didn't know what a prawn was and it took me drawing little pictures of my idea of a prawn, pointing at a rose coloured wine glass, and going through every single other type of seafood that they could possible think of , before they finally understood that a prawn is a crevette!


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