20 Things to Do Before the Rentrée
The rentree (start of the school year) is in 1 week. And yes, I stole this list, but its pretty accurate (especially #4 and #7 and #14).... I'm going to try and get this all done in the next 10 days. Phew! So much to do.....
1. Park a car, any car, anywhere, because you can.
2. Walk through the Tuileries.
3. No-stress at BHV.
4. Make the most of the national assumption that everyone is on vacation for your work.
5. Nap.
6. Ride the bus.
7. Pretend you’re French when talking to tourists.
8. Get first dibs on theatre / concert tickets.
9. No line on a Sunday at Sacha Finkelstein’s.
10. Reserve your bar stool at La Belle Hortense.
11. Figure out how to work the Vélib,
12. then get to know your bike route.
13. Get a taste for good music at Flèche d’Or.
14. Sleep in.
15. Celebrate the return of your local boulanger.
16. Watch cheesy reality shows on TF1.
17. Catch up on international news before France finishes its August hibernation.
18. Sit on the grass ( for once! ).
19. Reminisce on the first time you came to Paris...
20. Kick back and enjoy the calm before the storm.