Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Help! Its the rentrée (the return) - i.e. the start of the French year. Who's idea it was to start on Tuesday the 2nd of September, as opposed to Monday the 1st September I have no idea. But still, basically for me it means:
1. The metro is full again
2. The city is busy again (still undecided if its a good or bad thing)
3. Everyone is back at work - this is BAD. No more slacking off and disappearing for afternoons and sleeping in and saying "oh well, its summer".

Anyway to counteract my distress at the inevitable return, I thought I would post a few photos from a trip we did a few weeks ago to my friends Simon and T1K (or Thomo)'s country house at Le Vezoult. Now if the French know how to do anything, its a weekend in the country. We swam in the (private!!!) lake, played pétanque, stayed up all night by the fire, had a dancing competition (well deserved Twins!) and ...... a cochon mignon!! Basically it was a complete baby pig... yes you heard correctly. It was kinda gross. And undercooked! But well, very rustic! Have a look at the pics.


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