Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Parisians have embarked on a new love affair: the velib. This is a scheme recently introduced by the city of Paris to encourage people to ride bikes. There are 20,000 new bikes at stations every 300 meters around the city, which you can hire for a minimal cost (first 30 minutes free, or 1 euro / day) It's been amazing to see how the Parisians have taken to the new bikes. Everyone is using them and people with their own bikes are riding more also.

Riding in Paris is good because the city is flat and there are lots of bike and bus lanes (which cyclists can use also). The only problem is there are too many lights..... and I got busted yesterday by cops for going through a red light. Luckily I acted like a dumb foreigner and got off without having to pay the 90 euro fine!


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