Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Today I finally realised something that has been happening to me multiple times every day in France. Each time I go to pass through a doorway with one or more French men, they all automatically step back and wait for me to pass through.

Now in this world of equal opportunities, I feel embarrassed by what I consider to be all this fuss. Why don't they push past me and through the door like Aussie guys? According to Valentin, a PhD student in my lab, they don't even notice it as it's such a habit. While walking down the street one day with my supervisor, he told me that he had to walk on my right hand side, and that not to argue as he was programmed to do this and I couldn't make him change. Why? My only guess is it stems from the days of coaches pulled by horses when men would walk on the road side of of ladies so they didn't get splashed by water from passing carriages!

Maybe you Aussie guys should take note..... in France gallantry lives!


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